My Make a Wish Story
I was born with congenital heart defects and survived three major open heart surgeries, eight heart catheterizations along with a staph infection after my third heart surgery. This caused challenges in my youth as I was unable to play certain sports and was limited in the sports that I could play. As all kids do I struggled with what I wanted to do in life. That all changed in 2014 when I was granted a wish by Make-A-Wish America. My wish was to become a Boston Red Sox's player for the day and meet Dustin Pedroia. When my wish was granted not only did I get to experience one of Americas most beloved ballparks in a unimaginable way, I also got to see the in's and out's of a sports organization. This changed my view on life right away and gave me a why in life, working in sports. After getting to meet some incredible people because of my make a wish, I got to shadow a multitude of sports jobs. These included but are not limited to Denver Nuggets sports writer and Media Relations personal, Baylor university's Athletic director, and Dallas Mavericks Radio Announcer. Out of all these experiences one truly felt like a passion, and that is where my love for sports broadcasting and hosting started. Since that day I have dedicated my life to the sports broadcasting world and tried to grow my expertise as best as possible. This has led me to many experiences including working with Baylor University and ESPN as a spotter and statistician for college football games and getting to call division one college basketball. My Make-A-Wish is something that I will never forget and is the reason I will strive every single day to be better and work harder to pave a path in my career in sports media.